Asked Questions

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After you install Cane, you are in “Active Storm” mode. This means as new storms are identified, they automatically come into the map. As storms die down, they automatically leave map.

The fastest way to put a specific storm on the map is to touch the SEARCH button, then type the name of the storm you’re looking for.

Use the MENU button to manage storms in a more complex way. This is where you DELETE storms from the map. You can also filter storms to find the exact storm you are looking for.

The regular storm animation shows up to 2 circles for each storm, when data is available. The larger white circle represents the radius of the Tropical Storm strength winds (39 MPH). The smaller colored circle represents the radius of the Hurricane strength winds (74+ MPG). The different colors represent different hurricane categories, according to the Saffir-Simpson Scale.

We get our storm data from The National Hurricane Center (NHC) of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration. Please see this page for more information.


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